
Quit my toxic Case Management job today

I quit my toxic Case Management job today after only 3 weeks. It was my first job in my career field. I am absolutely traumatized by my experience and the things I went through. The nonchalance regarding death and violence toward clients and employees has completely broken any sense of physical safety I had. If my unemployment comes through I have enough for 6.5 months and I may just take that full time. I am broken and completely disassociating from myself.

I quit my toxic Case Management job today after only 3 weeks. It was my first job in my career field. I am absolutely traumatized by my experience and the things I went through. The nonchalance regarding death and violence toward clients and employees has completely broken any sense of physical safety I had. If my unemployment comes through I have enough for 6.5 months and I may just take that full time. I am broken and completely disassociating from myself.

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