
quit today because of poor handling of sexual harassment

Suppose I'm just writing it here to get it off my chest one last time. Today I quit my job. It's only the second time I've ever formally quit a job. When I started working, a superior told me all about his relationships and experiences in an unwarranted and unwelcomed conversation. Then I heard more complaints about similar things and went ahead and made the complaint. Other superiors kept telling me it was all very serious but multiple times in casual conversation I heard them with an attitude that it wasn't that serious. One superior “investigated a complaint” made at another location and shared that they basically didn't believe the complaint the other employee made because of their attitude in the conversation. I expressed my thoughts about all of this and was basically waved off. Today they sat me down and told me what a good job they had done…

Suppose I'm just writing it here to get it off my chest one last time.

Today I quit my job. It's only the second time I've ever formally quit a job.

When I started working, a superior told me all about his relationships and experiences in an unwarranted and unwelcomed conversation. Then I heard more complaints about similar things and went ahead and made the complaint.

Other superiors kept telling me it was all very serious but multiple times in casual conversation I heard them with an attitude that it wasn't that serious. One superior “investigated a complaint” made at another location and shared that they basically didn't believe the complaint the other employee made because of their attitude in the conversation. I expressed my thoughts about all of this and was basically waved off.

Today they sat me down and told me what a good job they had done dealing with my complaint for me and that they worked so hard and so diligently. I brought up the conversation where I expressed my discomfort and they told me that conversation never happened and that they had never said anything about anyone and I never told them I was uncomfortable.

I was pretty taken back from how aggressive they were about denying it but I stuck by the fact I definitely know the conversation happened. They said it was just hear say and that if it did happen, they definitely don't remember or believe it happened that way. They then expressed that they were offended I didn't believe they did a good job at resolving my complaint but they were willing to put it all in the past and have a clean slate.

To which I immediately thought who in their right mind would continue to work with someone who just blatantly lied about a conversation that happened between them at work? Another superior mentioned that I should've gone on record the day this particular one made the statement about the investigated complaint so they had it in writing. As if I knew this person was so dishonest, while trying to tell me it's all great, and that I should've gotten it on record. I don't need a time in the future where they state something and go back on it because they've decided it's hear say without it in writing or a recorded conversation.

So I quit. And I feel alot better about life for it.

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