
Quit With No Notice

A couple years ago I quit a job at the transmap corporation out of Hilliard Ohio. Look em up on glass doors they're truly wretched. The reviews will make you sick. Just to give you an idea though… It was a pavement inventory GPS/GIS job. There was some travel across the US which was cool, but it was back breaking sun up to sun down work. If you were in the field you could expect 100 hour weeks. The pay was abysmal for that field. Terrible benefits. You'd never get vacation. The only way to get a day off was to work OT for it. Worst of all though, was the management. Dude would cuss you up and down in front of the entire staff of like 15 people just for kicks. You'd be told how incompetent you are, how you'll never get a raise, and you wouldn't even get…

A couple years ago I quit a job at the transmap corporation out of Hilliard Ohio. Look em up on glass doors they're truly wretched. The reviews will make you sick.

Just to give you an idea though…

It was a pavement inventory GPS/GIS job. There was some travel across the US which was cool, but it was back breaking sun up to sun down work. If you were in the field you could expect 100 hour weeks. The pay was abysmal for that field. Terrible benefits. You'd never get vacation. The only way to get a day off was to work OT for it. Worst of all though, was the management. Dude would cuss you up and down in front of the entire staff of like 15 people just for kicks. You'd be told how incompetent you are, how you'll never get a raise, and you wouldn't even get a review. On top of everything else, management would force OT on you and chastise you if you didn't pick up more hours. You had no work life balance. Just work until your brain fries.

Despite all of that, I actually loved the job, travel, and my coworkers. I would have stayed for the awful benefits if the employer just wasn't so chaotically evil. But he is and prides himself on hiring fresh college grads, desperate older folks who can't land a job, and people in need of a green card cause he knows he can manipulate them.

Anyways, great place huh? So naturally one dips their toes in there and finds out they gotta start job hunting cause transmap is a black hole that will suck out your soul. However, if they found out or even thought you were looking for a job they'd fire you on the spot. I'd seen it happen many times so I had to carefully plan my exit cause I thought I wasn't in a place to just leave. I'd sneak interviews on my lunch hour until one day I finally landed a new job with legit benefits.

That last week I worked was the greatest of my time there. I did the job, but at a relaxing pace, despite the yells of incompetence and other threats. I knew full well it'd be over soon. Then that last Friday came. I worked a shift and left my IMMEDIATE resignation with the key.

The following Monday I had 6 missed calls and like 20 texts from all the bosses. It was like music to my ears. Then I'd hear stories from friends that were still there about what a disgrace and traitor I was to the company and how I was awful despite being a shift lead, trainer, and high production employee. It was really the highest of praise from that manager. My only regret is that I couldn't hear it myself, but I knowing it stung him was enough.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far and remember you are always worth it. Don't settle for shit like that. If there's one thing that I really got from that place it's that I WILL NEVER EVER let someone treat me that way again. I'll quit on the spot and you should too if you're in an abusive situation. The grass is definitely greener on the other side. Good luck to anyone struggling right now.

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