
Quitting finally over it!!

I’m so over the micromanagement sales environment. I worked several years for a company that I left originally. Now I returned and it’s a shell of what I left. The manager knows nothing refers me to my peers for everything. We know what that means. Now the man wants to have a daily meeting at the end of my day to “review” the day. The man is by far the worst most ridiculous micromanager that has ever existed. He’s not just a micromanager, he’s rude, disrespectful, un motivating and beyond annoying. Now I don’t want to make this a rant I just wanted to share that next month will be my last and I will not tolerate or put up with that nonsense at all. I will also say that I have a couple of little ones and I know we will do just fine. I know it may be…

I’m so over the micromanagement sales environment. I worked several years for a company that I left originally. Now I returned and it’s a shell of what I left. The manager knows nothing refers me to my peers for everything. We know what that means. Now the man wants to have a daily meeting at the end of my day to “review” the day. The man is by far the worst most ridiculous micromanager that has ever existed. He’s not just a micromanager, he’s rude, disrespectful, un motivating and beyond annoying. Now I don’t want to make this a rant I just wanted to share that next month will be my last and I will not tolerate or put up with that nonsense at all. I will also say that I have a couple of little ones and I know we will do just fine. I know it may be difficult to say hey I’m going to move on but sometimes u just have to do it! I’m going to do it finally. Also once I finally leave I’ll say which job it was!!! Also mad love and support to you all who are right there battling with me. Thanks for giving me the strength to do this you guy in this group have been amazing for posting all your journeys.

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