
Quitting My Job Right Before Peak Season

Proud to say I’m finally quitting my job. I work as a swim teacher and as of late, my manager has been very controlling and downright nasty. Something she does is whenever there is a minor miscommunication, she attacks character and assumes the worst of you. Last Saturday, I told her that I can’t work any extra shifts in April due to college work. She misheard me as saying May and she blew up at me, threatening to punish me by not training me for desk stuff in summer (I am working front desk because I am having surgery and cannot be in the water). This was the last straw for me. Rather than use the context clues of me having 1 April availability and 3 May, she decided to accuse me of trying to screw her over. This Saturday I will be handing her a lovely letter of resignation…

Proud to say I’m finally quitting my job. I work as a swim teacher and as of late, my manager has been very controlling and downright nasty. Something she does is whenever there is a minor miscommunication, she attacks character and assumes the worst of you. Last Saturday, I told her that I can’t work any extra shifts in April due to college work. She misheard me as saying May and she blew up at me, threatening to punish me by not training me for desk stuff in summer (I am working front desk because I am having surgery and cannot be in the water). This was the last straw for me. Rather than use the context clues of me having 1 April availability and 3 May, she decided to accuse me of trying to screw her over. This Saturday I will be handing her a lovely letter of resignation and she will be down an employee for peak season 🙂

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