
r/antiwork should support stay-at-home women

I saw what corporations do to women. How they abuse them, manipulate them, destroy their relationships, and force them to delegate their dreams of having children. If a woman decides to live off her husband's money. She shouldn't be shamed for it. In fact, when she uses that time productively for example to take care of her children, to make sure they are healthy/happy and grow up to be moral humans, she should be encouraged. With the Internet and easy access to knowledge, home is the place where one can start a business, develop one's hobbies, and learn new skills, not the workplace! Your workplace most likely will not let you learn/grow and somehow enlighten you, it is propaganda. Some hate the idea of a woman being dependent on her husband and despise the idea that a woman would have to listen to a man, but forget that a wage-slave…

I saw what corporations do to women. How they abuse them, manipulate them, destroy their relationships, and force them to delegate their dreams of having children.

If a woman decides to live off her husband's money. She shouldn't be shamed for it.
In fact, when she uses that time productively for example to take care of her children, to make sure they are healthy/happy and grow up to be moral humans, she should be encouraged.

With the Internet and easy access to knowledge, home is the place where one can start a business, develop one's hobbies, and learn new skills, not the workplace!
Your workplace most likely will not let you learn/grow and somehow enlighten you, it is propaganda.

Some hate the idea of a woman being dependent on her husband and despise the idea that a woman would have to listen to a man, but forget that a wage-slave carrier-woman has to obey her probably a male boss, (gender makes no real difference) for 8 hours a day.

The question is who is she willing to listen to/be dependent on.
The person whom she chose herself to love who hopefully loves her as well and doesn't want her to be sad, or some random corporation boss, that probably treats her like a resource, without dignity or respect.

Does she want to depend on her husband's money or the money of her corporation?
It is worth remembering that pathological situations and abuse could happen in both scenarios.
If I were a woman and had a man that is willing to provide for me.
I would stay home.

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