
Scams about work from home

So I have been helping my fiance try to find a work from home position and have come across a lot of shady offers that seem to just be after her personal information and bank info. She has medical issues that have made her lose jobs in the past that are easy enough to deal with if she can work from home (she can take a moment when pain flares up and incapacitates her without a crappy boss yelling about productivity even if she meets her work load expectations). Is there any good way to avoid these or find a website better than indeed to find work from home jobs? This shift can literally enable her to not have to look for a new job every 8 months and won't force us to keep moving to try and accommodate. I am sorry if this post is a bit out of…

So I have been helping my fiance try to find a work from home position and have come across a lot of shady offers that seem to just be after her personal information and bank info. She has medical issues that have made her lose jobs in the past that are easy enough to deal with if she can work from home (she can take a moment when pain flares up and incapacitates her without a crappy boss yelling about productivity even if she meets her work load expectations). Is there any good way to avoid these or find a website better than indeed to find work from home jobs? This shift can literally enable her to not have to look for a new job every 8 months and won't force us to keep moving to try and accommodate. I am sorry if this post is a bit out of sorts for the sub but I just don't have a ton of other ideas. (Located in eastern USA)

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