

So I’m a deli clerk at Walmart , I’ve been there about 6 weeks , in those 6 weeks I’ve never gotten more then 1 day off in a row, this morning at 05:00 one my low end managers texted me “would you like to come in today at 1pm”. If I say yes it’ll eliminate the first time I’ve had two days off . How do I politely tell her absolutely fucking not?

So I’m a deli clerk at Walmart , I’ve been there about 6 weeks , in those 6 weeks I’ve never gotten more then 1 day off in a row, this morning at 05:00 one my low end managers texted me “would you like to come in today at 1pm”. If I say yes it’ll eliminate the first time I’ve had two days off . How do I politely tell her absolutely fucking not?

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