
Rant about my boss and work culture

I feel like there was once a time that showing up late, calling in sick, or just having a bad day at work was acceptable? “All those mornings I was late to work” came on in a song. It made me think a little. I thought about my relationships and how I’ve put them on hold for the sake of my career. If I were to sleep in with a guy and show up say, an hour late, I’d be fired effective immediately. Idk. I just feel like times have changed and nobody is allowed to be human anymore. I get it, clock in 9-5 but shit, shit does happen. I had a friend who needed a ride to the hospital. I texted my boss to inform them I’d possibly be a half hour MAX late. I get to work on time anyway and my boss is waiting there, asking…

I feel like there was once a time that showing up late, calling in sick, or just having a bad day at work was acceptable?

“All those mornings I was late to work” came on in a song. It made me think a little. I thought about my relationships and how I’ve put them on hold for the sake of my career. If I were to sleep in with a guy and show up say, an hour late, I’d be fired effective immediately. Idk. I just feel like times have changed and nobody is allowed to be human anymore. I get it, clock in 9-5 but shit, shit does happen. I had a friend who needed a ride to the hospital. I texted my boss to inform them I’d possibly be a half hour MAX late. I get to work on time anyway and my boss is waiting there, asking “what I would do if I knew I couldn’t be to work on time, what would I tell my friend in that situation?” I answered that I’d call them an Uber and come to work. Now, obviously I would want to put my friend first. You cannot expect me to put my job before real human lives. Sorry. Maybe I’m old fashioned

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