
Rant about time off

Hello All, I’ve been a lurker for some time now but I finally have something to post. So, I have been working at a retirement home being a housekeeper. I genuinely enjoy my job, the residents, and my co workers. However, I’ve had a lot go on in the last 6 months resulting in me having to miss days. Like my grandmother passing, getting married, my brother getting into a life altering accident and doctors appointments to help better my mental illness and health. I was just told today that it’s unacceptable to need that many days off (mind you before all of these events, I rarely missed work and I ALWAYS have a doctors note.). They said I have to be knocked to part time to keep my job and I can’t miss anymore days for 3-4 months. Luckily they don’t have to worry about that because I make…

Hello All, I’ve been a lurker for some time now but I finally have something to post.
So, I have been working at a retirement home being a housekeeper. I genuinely enjoy my job, the residents, and my co workers. However, I’ve had a lot go on in the last 6 months resulting in me having to miss days. Like my grandmother passing, getting married, my brother getting into a life altering accident and doctors appointments to help better my mental illness and health.
I was just told today that it’s unacceptable to need that many days off (mind you before all of these events, I rarely missed work and I ALWAYS have a doctors note.). They said I have to be knocked to part time to keep my job and I can’t miss anymore days for 3-4 months. Luckily they don’t have to worry about that because I make $12 an hour busting my ass and deserve something better. All of my other employers have been so understanding of my time off. I will be looking for a new job and still thinking about if I want to give a two weeks notice. It might just be me being dramatic but honestly this made me re-think my job. Thank you to anyone that read.

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