

I have been at my current retail employer for nearly four years now as an AM. The job itself is so damn easy and with the exception of some pain in the asses, the customers are easy to deal with. Pay isn’t bad either. I have always been a hard worker who follows the rules and gets things done the right way (even when this Sub has taught me that it’s not worth it). The problem is upper level management and some really shitty coworkers. One of my coworkers, let’s call him Jim, is an absolute train wreck. He’s been with this company as an AM for over six months and still needs help completing the most basic tasks. He won’t do what is expected of him unless told to. He calls out sick at least once a week. The biggest issue for me is how unhygienic, disorganized, and outright…

I have been at my current retail employer for nearly four years now as an AM. The job itself is so damn easy and with the exception of some pain in the asses, the customers are easy to deal with. Pay isn’t bad either. I have always been a hard worker who follows the rules and gets things done the right way (even when this Sub has taught me that it’s not worth it).

The problem is upper level management and some really shitty coworkers. One of my coworkers, let’s call him Jim, is an absolute train wreck. He’s been with this company as an AM for over six months and still needs help completing the most basic tasks. He won’t do what is expected of him unless told to. He calls out sick at least once a week. The biggest issue for me is how unhygienic, disorganized, and outright gross this man is. I know this sub is all about “Fucking over big companies/capitalism/bosses any way possible” but I am always called upon to pick up after this coworker. His actions only fuck me over, not our boss. I do tasks they are too stupid (I hate to say it) to learn, remind them multiple times how to do things, and I am always asked to cover for them when they call out last minute. We are extremely short staffed and out of pity for my other coworkers, I usually agree to come in. But at this point, picking up after this coworker is taking a toll on my mental wellbeing.

My boss is almost as bad. He can’t seem to hire or retain any good employees. And sucks with scheduling to the point where there are days when I don’t get breaks or am scheduled to work when I have class.

I wish I could go into more detail about things but my boss uses Reddit so…

I love this sub and a lot of the things it stands for but what am I to do about a coworker who is so unbelievably dumb/lazy/slobby to the point where I dread every shift I work with them? I know many of you will say to do as this coworker does, don’t be so efficient, call out when I want… but I have a good reputation here and don’t want to lose that especially since I will be using this job for reference in the future. I don’t want to quit bc the pay is so much better than other places in my area and I actually enjoy the job itself. Sucks that one shitty worker and a terrible boss have gotten me to this point. Curious to know if anyone else is stuck in an environment like this

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