
[RANT] I do the bare minimum at my corporate job because I decided I will never give a shit again so long as I am working for a big company.

I simply don’t give a shit anymore. Corporate life is so fake and full of fluffy BS and I don’t want to partake anymore. I am collecting my paycheck and flying under the radar. I’m 26, and work in biomedical. I graduated with a masters and grinded my ass off. Participated in all the events, worked OT, joined all the BRGs. I’m making 6 figures now and you know what? Fuck everyone I work with and fuck going above and beyond. I started this role in March and since then both of my direct managers quit. One right when I started, and the other one a month in. The manager I worked with for a month was an absolute atrocity of a leader. Never responded to any of our messages. Never asked me, the new employee, how I was doing. Then another person left and one of our teams core…

I simply don’t give a shit anymore. Corporate life is so fake and full of fluffy BS and I don’t want to partake anymore. I am collecting my paycheck and flying under the radar.

I’m 26, and work in biomedical. I graduated with a masters and grinded my ass off. Participated in all the events, worked OT, joined all the BRGs.

I’m making 6 figures now and you know what? Fuck everyone I work with and fuck going above and beyond.

I started this role in March and since then both of my direct managers quit. One right when I started, and the other one a month in. The manager I worked with for a month was an absolute atrocity of a leader. Never responded to any of our messages. Never asked me, the new employee, how I was doing. Then another person left and one of our teams core programs was left hanging. My coworkers urged me to take it to prove my value. Because of my “high potential” I was told “You can handle it, and this will be a great way to prove yourself!” Fuck this. No one ever trained me on running this program. Before my manager left, he didn’t even say bye. Typical mediocre white male in a leadership role.

Prove myself to who? My non-existent management? Fuck you for expecting this much of me, framing it like “an opportunity” and then not once checking up to see if I’m doing ok.

Today I have decided that I will be doing the bare minimum. I don’t owe shit to these people and if things go wrong, you can blame my nonexistent leadership – not me.

And to my coworker who is working 12 hour days (no one asked you to) to get ready for one of our campaigns and making the same money as I am – I pity you. I pity you for feeling like you have to play the game for these people who don’t give two shits about you. You’re not going to get a reward at the end.

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