
Rant/Opinions welcome

Background: I have worked for a small private arborist company for the past 4 years pretty much out of high school. Since the start, I have been told that we are a “seasonal industry” and therefore we don't get paid overtime. We sign a contract when we get hired saying we will work over 44-hour weeks without the additional pay from overtime. This has basically given my boss free reign to make us work 60+ hour weeks doing a very physically demanding job. I wake up at 6:30 to go to work and I'm usually not home until 6:00 or 7. recently he has been trying to make us work Saturdays to “catch up on work” because he can only seem to keep a small number of employees for his company that requires a large income to keep afloat. If I start working Saturdays I will have 1 day a…

Background: I have worked for a small private arborist company for the past 4 years pretty much out of high school. Since the start, I have been told that we are a “seasonal industry” and therefore we don't get paid overtime. We sign a contract when we get hired saying we will work over 44-hour weeks without the additional pay from overtime. This has basically given my boss free reign to make us work 60+ hour weeks doing a very physically demanding job. I wake up at 6:30 to go to work and I'm usually not home until 6:00 or 7. recently he has been trying to make us work Saturdays to “catch up on work” because he can only seem to keep a small number of employees for his company that requires a large income to keep afloat. If I start working Saturdays I will have 1 day a week to socialize, spend time with family, do chores etc. Is it wrong for me to straight-up refuse to work on the weekend? I feel tired enough working these long hours and I feel like I will be completely burnt out if I start working Saturdays. I have also found out that his company is the only one around that will not pay overtime and I'm wondering if he's even allowed to do this. I'm tired of having no free time to do anything and at the same time making barely above minimum wage. Any input would be great

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