
Rant/Vent: Parents: “Get a degree and any company will hire you!” Me: *spends 10+ years getting a bachelors degree because I didn’t know what I wanted to do so I kept changing my major* “Hey I finally have the degree!” Recruiters: “Nah, not good enough”

I’m 29 now and started college at 18. In the past year I was diagnosed with ADD which would explain A LOT in my life! I love learning and I love trying new things. I’ve been told I’m a bit of a jack of all trades. So I thought, whatever I apply for, once they meet me in person, they will love me! I’ve got the basic soft skills and hard skills companies are looking for, plus the degree and anything more can be learned on the job. As of this morning, I have officially applied to over 50 jobs and not one interview. For my graduating research paper, I studied the effect of inflation on the work force. It’s like my degree doesn’t count anymore unless I’m in tech or medicine since the market is so oversaturated. I have my bachelors degree in management because I noticed a lot…

I’m 29 now and started college at 18. In the past year I was diagnosed with ADD which would explain A LOT in my life! I love learning and I love trying new things. I’ve been told I’m a bit of a jack of all trades. So I thought, whatever I apply for, once they meet me in person, they will love me! I’ve got the basic soft skills and hard skills companies are looking for, plus the degree and anything more can be learned on the job. As of this morning, I have officially applied to over 50 jobs and not one interview. For my graduating research paper, I studied the effect of inflation on the work force. It’s like my degree doesn’t count anymore unless I’m in tech or medicine since the market is so oversaturated. I have my bachelors degree in management because I noticed a lot of people in management have no idea what they are doing which affects profits and employee retention so I wanted to make a positive difference using what I learned from my degree. But that’s not good enough. I wanted to go into social media management because that’s what I’m most interested in and self taught myself the ins and and outs to be prepared for my interview but nope, no professional experience, so it doesn’t matter. I’m just really frustrated about it. I’m in the middle of starting my own art business but that won’t pay the bills. I need a day job but how am I suppose to get a day job when my degree feels worthless. There is no way I’m going back to the restaurant business or get paid the same as someone without a degree. I feel like I wasted the past 10 years trying to get this dumb degree, trying to be a “professional” when I could have focused on my art skills and be a full time artist by now…I hate the system.

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