
Ranting on behalf of my med student friend.

Hey y'all This probably violates rule 3 but I am heated! I am not in the medicine field like my friend (let's call him N) but hearing about his situation which I will explain pisses me off so much. So N is currently working as a medical scribe as his first job with a pay of $15/hour. He's worked there for a month and he already told me countless stories of him being treated badly by his doctors because of mistakes or something. It's his first ever job and you didn't even give him training like wtf. I get that there are things at stake like the doctor losing his license over some mistake. Fuck places that hire medical scribes desperate for need of experience and recommendations and paying them dogshit. I would not want to get a recommendation from someone that hates my guts. Not only is N's work…

Hey y'all This probably violates rule 3 but I am heated! I am not in the medicine field like my friend (let's call him N) but hearing about his situation which I will explain pisses me off so much. So N is currently working as a medical scribe as his first job with a pay of $15/hour. He's worked there for a month and he already told me countless stories of him being treated badly by his doctors because of mistakes or something. It's his first ever job and you didn't even give him training like wtf. I get that there are things at stake like the doctor losing his license over some mistake. Fuck places that hire medical scribes desperate for need of experience and recommendations and paying them dogshit. I would not want to get a recommendation from someone that hates my guts.

Not only is N's work life shit but so is home. Now here's the catcher for why I posted here and not a subreddit specifically for abuse or r/raisedbynarcissists. He told me his parents had made fun of his wage and that he is a “money drain” on the family. WHAT THE FUCK! You call him a money drain when he contributes to the family and you don't see the value of your son's work?!?!? From what I know his dad is a software architect and they make six figures idk about his mom. But they seem well off financially I hope. N said he was sure that his parents “have a right to ask a lot of [him]” since they pay his tuition in full or at least the majority of it. Because of that, his parents are financially abusing and gaslighting him. N said he was sure that his parents “have a right to ask a lot of [him]” since they pay his tuition in full or at least the majority of it. It is understandable that parents get stressed financially but that is no excuse to use your son as an emotional punching bag. I feel so sorry he accepts this garbage.

Recently he was threatened with homelessness by his parents if he “did not take his MCAT test very quickly 6 months after graduation”. Then they proceeded to indirectly call me along with N's other friends “aimless friends”. Your son is becoming a heart surgeon, working a shit job for the recommendations by a doctor that hates him, and you hate him for being useful? That is not what love is. And I am definitely not an aimless friend, I am an aspiring embedded systems engineer currently looking for entry internships and tutoring positions so fuck you. I honestly wish I could yell at N's parents.

I honestly do not know how I would survive in my friend's shoes and am grateful for how privileged I am. Makes me very sad knowing N lives a shit life and he accepts that he will not find happiness. Coming to a job and home that hates you, you would definitely want out.

Basically, my friend is paid dogshit along with being treated badly at work and home.

He is not suicidal or anything I just wanted validation for both of us because I empathize for him and this shit pisses me off. Thank y'all and have a nice day.

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