
RE: Paper Trails

Touching inappropriately can lead to violence RE: Bullshit at work. TL;DR Employee gets fed up with physically, sexually, and verbally attacked from another department and their own racist coworkers. So, they start documenting and report one instigator. FREE CONTEXT: In Descending Order. Starts in Late July. Documented In Sep… Many instances have already passed of the behavioral problems of not only upper-management and corporate, but of two different departments, altogether. One instance involving paint swapping. (Employee hits another employee's car with their door.) (Management tells employee from a different department to sexually harass a female employee.) Sep 9th 4:59pm Employee one touches employee one. Employee two responds, “No tocarme, por favor…” Employee one laughs. 5:01pm Employee one touches employee two again. Employee two responds, “Dejame en paz, por favor…” Employee one laughs again. 5:15pm Employee one leaves the meeting. 5:20pm Employee two does not take the usual route they go.…

Touching inappropriately

can lead to violence

RE: Bullshit at work.

TL;DR Employee gets fed up with physically, sexually, and verbally attacked from another department and their own racist coworkers. So, they start documenting and report one instigator.

FREE CONTEXT: In Descending Order. Starts in Late July. Documented In Sep…

Many instances have already passed of the behavioral problems of not only upper-management and corporate, but of two different departments, altogether. One instance involving paint swapping. (Employee hits another employee's car with their door.) (Management tells employee from a different department to sexually harass a female employee.)

Sep 9th 4:59pm Employee one touches employee one. Employee two responds, “No tocarme, por favor…” Employee one laughs. 5:01pm Employee one touches employee two again. Employee two responds, “Dejame en paz, por favor…” Employee one laughs again. 5:15pm Employee one leaves the meeting. 5:20pm Employee two does not take the usual route they go. 5:25pm Employee two finds a team leader helping other employees. Employee two waits a moment to engage. A moment passes and employee two engages, however, there is another team member. Another moment passes and they are finally alone. 5:28pm Employee two reports touching incident and says something to the effective of, “If Anonymous puts his hands on me one more time, I am not going to put up with it…” and the team leader says something to the effect of, “ok, well let's go find Anonymous…” They proceed to walk towards employee two's workstation only to then change course to find manager one in a meeting. Team Leader, “Looks like he's in a meeting, get back to work and I'll have him retrieve you…” 5:31pm Employee two is working and the team leader arrives to relieve them. 5:35pm Manager one is escorting employee two around the building towards HR. HR is not there, however, as they have clocked out and there is no night shift HR. The manager is talking to a member from another department on another contract. (IT Firm.) And they were saying something to the effect of, Manager one, “I need you to retrieve employee one and have him escorted to HR. Manager two, “Ok, who is it?” Manager one “Anonymous…” Employee one is seated with manager one. Manager two leaves to retrieve employee one. Manager one says something to the effect, “I need you to write a statement in detail about Anonymous, sign and date it. As employee one begins and writes a statement, Manager one leaves to another room to speak with the other department. (It is not known if there were any third-party listeners or participators in this occurrence.) Nevertheless, they are speaking, laughing, and having a conversation about how to coordinate outside of the aforementioned involvement. 5:40pm Employee two finishes their statement. The conversation ends in the adjacent room, Manager one exits and returns to discuss with employee two. Words are exchanged for a moment. Manager one “As per our policies and federal law, every employee has the right to be treated with dignity and respect…” details are exchanged and the incident has concluded. 5:45pm Manager one “Aint that my pen and paper?” Employee one scoots the items across the table. Manager one proceeds to read the statement. 5:50pm Manager one starts asking questions, employee two responds “Yes, I have specific dates and they should all be on camera…” Manager one says something to the effect of “You're not in trouble or anything, we just don't want you guys near each other, so don't think about each other, don't look at each other, don't speak to each other, he won't come around you and you not him. We've separated you and report anything that happens here on after. He's hazed you and shown you inappropriate things.” Further words are exchanged before returning to work. 5:55pm Due to employee two not being registered in the system full time (Even though they work full time.) The doors are locked upon entering the room. Whether this is a feature to prevent threats or acts of terrorism remains to be seen. Nevertheless, manager one unlocks the door for employee two and employee two returns to work. Since the separation there have been no further incidences. Employee two has since stated on several occasions they are afraid employee one will retaliate.

Sep 6th 9:55pm Employee one touches employee two inappropriately 12:00am employee one makes sexual gestures at employee two 12:55am employee one attempts to touch employee two inappropriately in the bathroom.

Sep 3rd 2022 3:30am Employee one says to employee two “¿quieres camarón?” Employee two “Yo no entiendo…” Employee one then shows employee two their phone with images of pornographic material. Employee two laughs, shakes their head and walks away.

Sep 2nd 2022 5:20pm Employee one touches employee two inappropriately 10:20pm Employee one throws used gloves and a foreign object at employee two. Employee two continues working. 11:00pm Employee one touches employee two inappropriately. 3:15am Employee one begins throwing used toilet paper and used gloves at employee two. Employee two finishes using the bathroom. Employee two throws' gloves back at employee one. Employee one throws gloves back at employee two. Employee two washes hands. Employee three throws water at employee one two times. Employee two walks out of the restroom and into the breakroom. 3:25am Employee one walks into the breakroom and begins harassing employee two. Employee one says “hola viergas, me tiraste el agua?” Employee two laughs and gestures at employee three and says, “Yo no entiendo, lo siento.” Employee one begins with profanities and rubs his genitals on employee two. Employee three laughs. Employee two backs away. Employee one gets a drink, acts like he is going to stab employee two and walks away.

Sep 1st 2022 5:20pm Employee one touches employee two inappropriately

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