
Reasons I left the job I love because of poor management

Hello, Thought this was the right subreddit to vent. I quit my dream job and these are some red flags that began to sour in my mouth, opening my eyes to many issues. My profession is a research position in a science environment. – Came in 3 hours early to go to a specialized lab to get results I was looking forward to! Skipped lunch and breaks. Let management know I was going home one hour early to get dinner and see my family. Got an email about 'Optics' and how my car being in the driving lot was more important than the effort I was putting in. If you're focusing on hours instead of passions then there's something wrong. – Designed well-thought out plans and had everyone's agreement (even CTO, made sure on the last time she did this) until the CTO informed everyone we needed a change in…


Thought this was the right subreddit to vent. I quit my dream job and these are some red flags that began to sour in my mouth, opening my eyes to many issues. My profession is a research position in a science environment.

– Came in 3 hours early to go to a specialized lab to get results I was looking forward to! Skipped lunch and breaks. Let management know I was going home one hour early to get dinner and see my family. Got an email about 'Optics' and how my car being in the driving lot was more important than the effort I was putting in. If you're focusing on hours instead of passions then there's something wrong.

– Designed well-thought out plans and had everyone's agreement (even CTO, made sure on the last time she did this) until the CTO informed everyone we needed a change in direction via email and everything was now void.

– Called out for being on the phone (to organize my team) in the fifth '5 minute meeting' of the day that had no agenda, lasted an hour and accomplished tonight. This also resulted in my reputation being harmed as I was always late to these 'got 5 minutes?' meetings because I was busy in the lab.

I was so scared that my entire professional reputation would be disgraced and I'd never find anything else. BUT let me pass some advice, be assertive! There are people in the workforce who work with good people, there are brilliant minds out there that aren't trying to fuck you over.

I wish I stood up for my self more instead of making excuses that gave them power. I quit and it took me at least 5 months to fully recover from this position.

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