
Reasons to protest in America

1.) It has been made clear that corporate America is in full control of the politicians as well as the economy, and they do not give a damn about the people. Representatives from BOTH sides of the political spectrum are bribed through donations, gifts, and stocks to support causes that will make both them and their corporate benefactors more profits. For example, people have already figured out how to make optimal gains in the stock market simply by researching what stock-related moves Congress is making. In addition, both in 2008 as well as now, the Federal Reserve has bailed out themselves (I.e. the banks) not just once in 2019 but twice in 2020. These bailouts have caused the vast majority of our money supply to be printed out of thin air since 2020; so much so to the point where it is no longer being reported. And instead of admitting…

1.) It has been made clear that corporate America is in full control of the politicians as well as the economy, and they do not give a damn about the people.

Representatives from BOTH sides of the political spectrum are bribed through donations, gifts, and stocks to support causes that will make both them and their corporate benefactors more profits.

For example, people have already figured out how to make optimal gains in the stock market simply by researching what stock-related moves Congress is making.

In addition, both in 2008 as well as now, the Federal Reserve has bailed out themselves (I.e. the banks) not just once in 2019 but twice in 2020.

These bailouts have caused the vast majority of our money supply to be printed out of thin air since 2020; so much so to the point where it is no longer being reported.

And instead of admitting that they have done this, they are instead making moves to make the average American even poorer because, in their opinion, the 99% are making too much money.

These are the true reasons we are seeing non-transitory, record-high inflation; corporate America bailed themselves out too many times using the trillions of dollars that could have been instead used to alleviate unnecessary poverty on the 99% and completely fix the many broken facets of our country.

Yet instead of this, the rest of the world is taking on the losses of their greed; allowing the 1% to live in excess luxury at the cost of our sacrifices and work.

2.) They have resorted to manipulation and taking control over the people to attain more power for themselves time and time again.

In the 2003 documentary, “The Fog of War”, the past Secretary of Defence during the Vietnam War admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident which he presented that sparked the Vietnam War never actually happened.

Operation Northwoods proved that the government was willing to fake terrorist attacks on their own nation to support an unnecessary war with Cuba.

Gary Webb exposed a CIA conspiracy to peddle cocaine in minority communities in the USA to destabilize them and make them less of a threat.

Edward Snowden revealed that the US government was lying about digital mass surveillance, and that everyone was being watched.

And now we’re witnessing for ourselves what the government is willing to do to combat the internationally declining birth rate.

The past decades of American history have all been a lie disguised under patriotism. Millions of lives have been forcibly violated, lost, and sacrificed for the sole benefit of those in power.

The government has always sought control over the masses by any means necessary to maintain power for themselves, and that has never changed.

3.) If we do nothing now, future generations will become the victims of our current system.

While we cannot do anything about the lives that have been lost, we can do something to stop future lives from being lost.

Show those in power the power of a nation united. Show them why we are called the United States; because together we are strong.

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