
Recent promotion, turned into actual bullshit!

I was recently promoted and given a 2 dollar then 2 dollar then one dollar raise over the course of 2 months. I was given the responsibility of training the new bookkeeper while also doing all of my work. Cool, whatever I'll do it. My trainee is grossly incompetent, to be specific she didn't even know how to save or print an excel file, let alone formulas, formatting, and basic fucking accounting. She has no idea how to use computers, send emails, write correctly, she didn't even know what a bank statement looked like because her husband deals with everything. I have always rationalized that you get what you pay for, because I was under the assumption that she was getting paid a shit wage. I also could give two fucks considering I'm paid hourly so it makes no difference to me what that hour entails. I did bring it…

I was recently promoted and given a 2 dollar then 2 dollar then one dollar raise over the course of 2 months. I was given the responsibility of training the new bookkeeper while also doing all of my work. Cool, whatever I'll do it.

My trainee is grossly incompetent, to be specific she didn't even know how to save or print an excel file, let alone formulas, formatting, and basic fucking accounting. She has no idea how to use computers, send emails, write correctly, she didn't even know what a bank statement looked like because her husband deals with everything.

I have always rationalized that you get what you pay for, because I was under the assumption that she was getting paid a shit wage. I also could give two fucks considering I'm paid hourly so it makes no difference to me what that hour entails. I did bring it up to my boss at the end of last week that she has basically zero education or experience and that it's going to take me a while to teach her considering I'm starting from 0. My boss said her resume said otherwise.

I recieved the email and employment contract PDF file from my boss this morning, and read it over. Her resume is a huge fucking lie, but she was hired at the same rate I was making before my promotion. I was pissed, this meant that for the three months she was working on a scanning project (literally just scanning paper and copying) she was making the same wage as me and my coworker who did all of the accounting work that is actually billable.

Interestingly enough I get the opportunity to decide whether to fire her or not by Thursday of this week, and I honestly don't know what to do.

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