
Record revenues and I get a 1% raise

At the last staff meeting, we were told the last two years have brought us record revenues. My position is a repair/refurbish job and I’ve figured that I offset around $5000 worth of new equipment expenses every day for a salary plus benefits around $58k (this is the Midwest; it could be worse). In 2020 we had no raises because “uncertainty”; last year I got 2%. Just had my annual review and, besides some minor things (like, “please keep the area more tidy”) it was positive. My raise: 1%. I’m done.

At the last staff meeting, we were told the last two years have brought us record revenues. My position is a repair/refurbish job and I’ve figured that I offset around $5000 worth of new equipment expenses every day for a salary plus benefits around $58k (this is the Midwest; it could be worse). In 2020 we had no raises because “uncertainty”; last year I got 2%. Just had my annual review and, besides some minor things (like, “please keep the area more tidy”) it was positive. My raise: 1%.

I’m done.

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