
Recruiter pressured me into a job interview they knew I was not ready for by using scare tactics.

So I have a tib, fib fracture and am on a lot of medication making me pretty sleepy. I had a 6 hour surgery fixing it and I'll need another one. This recruiter was talking to me about this company that “really wanted me” and apparently I needed to do the interview. They made it seem like it was just me they were interested in as they'd already held multiple interview days. ​ They told me if I didn't accept the next interview date they would never represent me again and told me an opportunity like this won't come around again. ​ So I do the interview and obviously I'm in bed in severe pain, they recruitment company gets feedback complaining I was in bed. Complaining it looked “messy” (that's because I made a comment to turn off my camera saying, just sorting something on my bed out. When I…

So I have a tib, fib fracture and am on a lot of medication making me pretty sleepy. I had a 6 hour surgery fixing it and I'll need another one. This recruiter was talking to me about this company that “really wanted me” and apparently I needed to do the interview. They made it seem like it was just me they were interested in as they'd already held multiple interview days.

They told me if I didn't accept the next interview date they would never represent me again and told me an opportunity like this won't come around again.

So I do the interview and obviously I'm in bed in severe pain, they recruitment company gets feedback complaining I was in bed. Complaining it looked “messy” (that's because I made a comment to turn off my camera saying, just sorting something on my bed out. When I had to take medication).

So tldr; I got angry with the recruiter after they treated me like a school child and told me off. And there were like 25 people at this interview.

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