
Recruiters hiding the company the application is for.

Very short one. I found an application that I was interested in. So I send an email asking which company it was for. You know, like a normal person I'd like to know what I'm applying for. And then I get the answer saying that that information can be revealed further in the process. I'm sorry, what? Its not like I'm ordering a tapas which I've never tried to see if I like it. This is possibly a big commitment here. I told them that I'm not applying if I can't know what for. Am I being the idiot here? This is ridiculous right?

Very short one.
I found an application that I was interested in. So I send an email asking which company it was for. You know, like a normal person I'd like to know what I'm applying for.

And then I get the answer saying that that information can be revealed further in the process.

I'm sorry, what? Its not like I'm ordering a tapas which I've never tried to see if I like it. This is possibly a big commitment here.

I told them that I'm not applying if I can't know what for. Am I being the idiot here? This is ridiculous right?

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