
Recruiters just can’t help themselves

I'm working an ok job with an absolute wanker for an owner. I don't want to get too detailed, but I am VERY ready to leave my current position (working as an accountant for a F/B company). My mom knows this, and when she saw a friend of hers, she mentioned it. This friend works in recruiting for a large company in the same industry. She mentioned to my mom they had an open role, and my mom mentions it to me. I reach out, and, after 5 emails over two days, Friend admits that the role is on site, 21/hr with no benefits. She could just say this from the get-go. And this isn't some rando reaching out on LinkedIn. This is a close personal friend. She and her husband lived with my parents for like 6 months! And she couldn't help but feed me BS for two days…

I'm working an ok job with an absolute wanker for an owner. I don't want to get too detailed, but I am VERY ready to leave my current position (working as an accountant for a F/B company).

My mom knows this, and when she saw a friend of hers, she mentioned it. This friend works in recruiting for a large company in the same industry. She mentioned to my mom they had an open role, and my mom mentions it to me. I reach out, and, after 5 emails over two days, Friend admits that the role is on site, 21/hr with no benefits.

She could just say this from the get-go. And this isn't some rando reaching out on LinkedIn. This is a close personal friend. She and her husband lived with my parents for like 6 months! And she couldn't help but feed me BS for two days before admitting that it was a garbage, dead end job.

These recruiters are almost as bad as lawyers.

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