
Red flags at work

I'm in Asia so perhaps work culture simply sucks here. Everything went well at new job in the 1 year I've been here but lately an exodus in the company and the management's seemingly poor handling of the transition despite having all the time to do it (+ making sure reinforcements are ready) has caused the remaining employees to overwork. Due to the fast-paced nature of our work, it's very easy to burn out if we work more than the stipulated hours. I'm one of them… Hate it when people think that asking employees to work overtime is simply the employee doing the team a “favor”. That and the personal messages sent to you if it's outside of your work hours. Even if we legalize not contacting employees after work hours, nothing will change because employers have the de facto power here. I always believe that if they did it…

I'm in Asia so perhaps work culture simply sucks here.

Everything went well at new job in the 1 year I've been here but lately an exodus in the company and the management's seemingly poor handling of the transition despite having all the time to do it (+ making sure reinforcements are ready) has caused the remaining employees to overwork. Due to the fast-paced nature of our work, it's very easy to burn out if we work more than the stipulated hours.

I'm one of them… Hate it when people think that asking employees to work overtime is simply the employee doing the team a “favor”. That and the personal messages sent to you if it's outside of your work hours. Even if we legalize not contacting employees after work hours, nothing will change because employers have the de facto power here.

I always believe that if they did it once, they're going to do it more times and violate employees' boundaries like there's no consequences.

Why do all jobs have to go downhill every time you hit one year there? I'm not in a rush to change jobs. But that thought has definitely taken root.

Not going to take initiative doing anything. Just gonna coast. Raises and promotions are welcome but I don't care much about it at this time when I know I am going to wave goodbye in the next few years anyway (in fact if they don't promote us in the next two years, that only reafffirms the decision to leave). You don't get to shove the extra workload to your employees and not give them a raise. You don't go around signing deals meant for a bigger team without a contingency plan for what happens when a few people quit the team.

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