
Reflections from a business owner lurker and a thank you

I'm owner of a tech business and I've been (mostly) lurking Antiwork for a few months. I wanted to take advantage of my cake day to reflect on a few things I've learned from you during this time. I've always held economic views that could be considered somewhat socialist, and I think my experience here has reinforced that. – The anti-work fight should be left/right wing agnostic. A society where people are seen as the means to generate plus value out of their time is a society deemed for failure. We're already seeing societal decay across Western nations in the form of lower morale, loss of purpose, and loss of quality of life. Squeezing workers only benefits a select few with the intention of short to medium term gains. Those are value extractors and they're parasites of society. – As a society, we need to reinforce the idea that we're…

I'm owner of a tech business and I've been (mostly) lurking Antiwork for a few months. I wanted to take advantage of my cake day to reflect on a few things I've learned from you during this time.

I've always held economic views that could be considered somewhat socialist, and I think my experience here has reinforced that.

– The anti-work fight should be left/right wing agnostic. A society where people are seen as the means to generate plus value out of their time is a society deemed for failure. We're already seeing societal decay across Western nations in the form of lower morale, loss of purpose, and loss of quality of life. Squeezing workers only benefits a select few with the intention of short to medium term gains. Those are value extractors and they're parasites of society.

– As a society, we need to reinforce the idea that we're technologically advanced enough to attain growth and development without taking undue advantage of workers, and that the concepts of growth and development need to go in the direction of sustainability, humanity, and well-being. Currency means nothing in the hands of few when society is suffering.

I think there are going to be a lot of changes happening in capitalism, work, society, and a lot of those changes are spearheaded by people like you. I'm anxious for those changes and I know other business owners who are equally excited about them; some of them quieter than others.

You won't see me posting here much, as I don't think it's my place, but I'll continue reading and learning from you. Keep fighting the good fight and thank you.

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