
Regrets on quitting a job abruptly

7/1 I quit a job without notice. I had been working at this place for approximately 4 months. My Boss hired me and then was on maternity leave for the first 2.5 months I was on the job. Everything was great. I wasn’t stressed and I could relax at home. Fast forward to the last week of June. This week was my undoing. Monday of that week it was stressful and my boss started just laying on the harsh criticism. She was awful to the whole staff. Everyone was tired that day. We chalked it up to first day of the season roughness. Tuesday and every day after her behavior just got worse. Every day I was in trouble, a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. She frequently contradicted herself and confused everyone and got mad when we asked for clarification. I started having break downs on…

7/1 I quit a job without notice. I had been working at this place for approximately 4 months. My
Boss hired me and then was on maternity leave for the first 2.5 months I was on the job. Everything was great. I wasn’t stressed and I could relax at home.
Fast forward to the last week of June. This week was my undoing.
Monday of that week it was stressful and my boss started just laying on the harsh criticism. She was awful to the whole staff. Everyone was tired that day. We chalked it up to first day of the season roughness.
Tuesday and every day after her behavior just got worse. Every day I was in trouble, a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. She frequently contradicted herself and confused everyone and got mad when we asked for clarification.
I started having break downs on my
Lunch breaks. I confronted her and tried to stand up to the staff, she told me “you need to speak for yourself” and I told her to treat me better. The staff pointed out to me that she treated me the worst out of everyone.
Friday morning, before I arrived to work, and the day after I stood up for myself she changed my schedule without communicating with me. And before I got there staff heard her loudly complaining about how bad I was at my
I went to HR. Her boss chatted with her that day. She started treating me worse. I quit and finished my shift.
Now I’m on a roller coaster ride of “did I make the right choice?”
She was the second awful boss I’ve had in a year. The previous boss I tried to tough it out but I ended up getting fired.
I’m also worried I’m a bad employee. But I also think I’ve just had some shit bosses back to back.

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