
Reminder: Managers aren’t your friends

First of all I would like to apologize to some decent people here that work in retail/hospitality industry as managers. This is just a short rant/reminder. Also my first post in this sub. DO NOT give personal information to your manager unless your job requires you to. DO NOT TRUST a “promise” or “guarantee”. These people are paid just high enough to think differently and separate themselves from you as a “higher caste”. They will take any personal information and use it as a leverage, no matter how old they are or how friendly they are to you. Becoming a manager in any industry requires a certain degree of apathy towards people working for you. edit:grammar

First of all I would like to apologize to some decent people here that work in retail/hospitality industry as managers. This is just a short rant/reminder. Also my first post in this sub. DO NOT give personal information to your manager unless your job requires you to. DO NOT TRUST a “promise” or “guarantee”. These people are paid just high enough to think differently and separate themselves from you as a “higher caste”. They will take any personal information and use it as a leverage, no matter how old they are or how friendly they are to you. Becoming a manager in any industry requires a certain degree of apathy towards people working for you.


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