
Reminder that a million extra people have died in the past 2 years, and as messed up as it is to say, that’s a lot of worker’s leverage! Stuff like pandemics disproportionately hit those earning the least, too – so with 17% more deaths than usual in 2020 alone, that's a LOT of extra job openings unfulfilled! Not even counting the old people who decided to retire rather than work in a digital workplace, which I can't find good stats on! There's a reason “nobody wants to work” – over a million people died, and possibly a million more can't due to disabilities caused by COVID! The same thing happened with the Spanish Flu – ” One such impact was on workers' wages, as the labor shortage drove up the demand for skilled workers, which then increased wages. In the United States, wages had already increased due to the shortage of workers caused by the war, however the trend increased further in the two or three years after the war, despite the return of so many personnel…

Stuff like pandemics disproportionately hit those earning the least, too – so with 17% more deaths than usual in 2020 alone, that's a LOT of extra job openings unfulfilled!

Not even counting the old people who decided to retire rather than work in a digital workplace, which I can't find good stats on! There's a reason “nobody wants to work” – over a million people died, and possibly a million more can't due to disabilities caused by COVID!

The same thing happened with the Spanish Flu – ” One such impact was on workers' wages, as the labor shortage drove up the demand for skilled workers, which then increased wages. In the United States, wages had already increased due to the shortage of workers caused by the war, however the trend increased further in the two or three years after the war, despite the return of so many personnel from overseas.”

So yeah, congratulations, min-wage and low-wage workers, you get to benefit from the disproportionate impact COVID's had on the poor and infirm, as sad/messed up as that is to say. Work your bosses!

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