
Reminder: They don’t care about you.

I like my job. It pays well, has decent benefits, my coworkers are nice, and they're paying for my continued education. Today I was originally scheduled to drive down to help troubleshoot something with a high end client. This morning I was told that another coworker would be going in my place. No biggie. Was looking forward to the long quiet drive, but I've got things I could do in my office. Boss tells me later they swapped me out because the client would have been offended by my mask. (I'm the most Covid conscious person in the office. I've got a baby at home too young for the vaccine and my immunocompromised father watches her.) I sincerely thanked him for taking my family's safety into consideration. He immediately shot back that he was keeping the client from feeling uncomfortable. Not going to lie, that stung a little bit. Even…

I like my job. It pays well, has decent benefits, my coworkers are nice, and they're paying for my continued education.

Today I was originally scheduled to drive down to help troubleshoot something with a high end client.

This morning I was told that another coworker would be going in my place. No biggie. Was looking forward to the long quiet drive, but I've got things I could do in my office.

Boss tells me later they swapped me out because the client would have been offended by my mask.

(I'm the most Covid conscious person in the office. I've got a baby at home too young for the vaccine and my immunocompromised father watches her.)

I sincerely thanked him for taking my family's safety into consideration.

He immediately shot back that he was keeping the client from feeling uncomfortable.

Not going to lie, that stung a little bit. Even if it was completely true, he could have just taken my appreciation and kept quiet.

Nope. Had to remind me the money from the client was the priority.

Part if me appreciates his honesty. Helps me keep things in perspective.

I refuse to spend one more second feeling guilty about taking sick or personal days.

Let my anecdote be a lesson to you all. You don't matter to your office. Take care of you first because they never will.

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