
Remote work — get over it.

I think it’s completely asinine that companies are forcing people back into the office. But, I also think it’s disturbing how much attention is being paid to remote work issues relative to how many people actually have the option. First, “essential workers” hear us titter about the downsides of Zoom for 2 years. Now, they to get to watch us obsess about whether we can work from home every day until the end of time. We should have stuck with nightly standing ovations.

I think it’s completely asinine that companies are forcing people back into the office. But, I also think it’s disturbing how much attention is being paid to remote work issues relative to how many people actually have the option. First, “essential workers” hear us titter about the downsides of Zoom for 2 years. Now, they to get to watch us obsess about whether we can work from home every day until the end of time. We should have stuck with nightly standing ovations.

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