
Remove Withholding

I need someone smarter than me to figure this out but I had a shower thought. What if we all changed the tax withholding on our paychecks so that we stopped sending the government our money? I would be fine with dropping my tax money into a savings account and just pay at tax time if we can choke the government into finally listening to us. We need to cut off the steady stream of money and let them know that we are the ones paying the bills and that they work for us. Not sure if this is plausible but its something to think about? An organized tax strike would wake up a few people I think.

I need someone smarter than me to figure this out but I had a shower thought. What if we all changed the tax withholding on our paychecks so that we stopped sending the government our money? I would be fine with dropping my tax money into a savings account and just pay at tax time if we can choke the government into finally listening to us. We need to cut off the steady stream of money and let them know that we are the ones paying the bills and that they work for us.

Not sure if this is plausible but its something to think about? An organized tax strike would wake up a few people I think.

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