
Removed from work program for mental health issues

My job fires me because of my mental health issues, but they claim they have done all they could for me with accommodations, when they really just gave me noise-reducing headphones and still was putting me on work assignments that I had problems with mentally because of sensory overload, when they could've easily put me on truck routes more often, which I have had no problems with whatsoever. They're not understaffed at all. Actually, they had to change the schedule around because too many people are working there. They told me I can't go back until I have proof my mental health is considerably better. Is any of this legal?

My job fires me because of my mental health issues, but they claim they have done all they could for me with accommodations, when they really just gave me noise-reducing headphones and still was putting me on work assignments that I had problems with mentally because of sensory overload, when they could've easily put me on truck routes more often, which I have had no problems with whatsoever. They're not understaffed at all. Actually, they had to change the schedule around because too many people are working there.

They told me I can't go back until I have proof my mental health is considerably better. Is any of this legal?

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