
Reported a manager to HR for sexual harassment and it’s not being taken seriously.

So a few of us women reported one of our managers to HR for sexual harassment and being unprofessional. Our GM is buddy buddy with him, so isn’t taking any of this seriously and is also defending him, also was upset that we went straight to HR instead of talking to him (our GM) first. He used terms like ‘cancel culture’ and ‘drama’. I am so beyond fed up at this point. Advice? Quitting would be difficult as I don’t know another job I could have with equal or close pay…

So a few of us women reported one of our managers to HR for sexual harassment and being unprofessional. Our GM is buddy buddy with him, so isn’t taking any of this seriously and is also defending him, also was upset that we went straight to HR instead of talking to him (our GM) first. He used terms like ‘cancel culture’ and ‘drama’. I am so beyond fed up at this point. Advice? Quitting would be difficult as I don’t know another job I could have with equal or close pay…

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