
Reported an injury caused by a shit crew chief and now the whole job site is against me.

I work for a contracting company that's main job is maintaining highways. I have worked here for 6 months and I have busted my ass to prove that Im better than the other 5 employees because I have always tried to be the best at everything I do. I'm a big dude and stronger than average due to always being a try hard and moving heavy stuff by hand, I've always been big so everybody gives me the heaviest stuff and carrying heavy shit makes you stronger. Last week we replaced some damaged guardrail, a process that normally involves cutting the full 25ft sections into smaller pieces but our cutter broke halfway through the job, so we had to load two of the sections whole. These sections are very heavy, I would guess around 150 to 200 pounds, and it normally takes two men to unload and move them. When…

I work for a contracting company that's main job is maintaining highways. I have worked here for 6 months and I have busted my ass to prove that Im better than the other 5 employees because I have always tried to be the best at everything I do. I'm a big dude and stronger than average due to always being a try hard and moving heavy stuff by hand, I've always been big so everybody gives me the heaviest stuff and carrying heavy shit makes you stronger. Last week we replaced some damaged guardrail, a process that normally involves cutting the full 25ft sections into smaller pieces but our cutter broke halfway through the job, so we had to load two of the sections whole. These sections are very heavy, I would guess around 150 to 200 pounds, and it normally takes two men to unload and move them. When we started unloading I grabbed one of the 25ft sections and moved it by myself, waving away the others because I was only going a short distance, and knew that I wouldn't be able to get the second one alone. I asked my crew lead if they would help because we had 4 men on the task of unloading and I was the only one doing anything, he said
“No, you're the strong one, do it yourself.”

I thought that was pretty shitty of him so I told him
“That gets abused way to much so y'all don't have to work as hard.”

I then removed the guardrail and strained a tendon in my shoulder. Next morning I wake up and my shoulder hurts like hell so I call the boss and explain that I'm hurting and can't work today. I explain that this was a work injury and he tells me that I have to fill out an incident report so they can take care of it. While I'm doing the paperwork the project manager comes in and explains why the paperwork is necessary for liability reasons and then tells me to ask for help next time. I explained that I did ask but was refused by my crew lead. He's instantly serious and asks me why would he refuse me help. I'm not one to start shit so I just said that he was probably in a bad mood and we didn't get along very well, which is true because he has a habit of blowing up and yelling at me for shit just because he knows I won't do anything about it. I just don't feel the need to be violent because I've done that before and I didn't like myself when I was violent. The boss won't let it go and tells me that what he did was shit and he will fix this problem. The crew lead obviously says that I'm full of shit but then the other two back him up and say that in lying, and filled out an official form saying that they verify that I'm lying.

Now the whole yard thinks that I'm a lying piece of shit and think I lied to get out of work. I was on light duty for one day and took the next off because my mom was coming to visit. These fucking morons think that I went through this whole fucking thing to get light duty for one fucking day. I have never lied to any of them not have I ever faked an illness to get out of work. I'm the one that says we should try harder. I'm the one that volunteers for the hard jobs because I fuckin know I can do it and these fucking morons think that I went to the project manager to get one easy day. I don't understand how it makes any sense in their heads. Because I'm not whining about my shoulder 4 days later they think that I'm full of shit. The boss is convinced that I'm full of shit because he has three people saying that I lied. I fucking hate these people so fucking much.

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