
Reporting LinkedIn job listings

I wish there were more categories when you go to report a job listing on LinkedIn. I’m searching for a job in my industry (film/video) and I want to preface this with that there’s still so many employers who still think it’s okay to employ for pennies or not pay, in every aspect especially in postproduction which is what I do currently. Also I don’t know about other industries right now, but mine is also riddled with fake jobs, especially in the remote sector. So when I see listings like “unpaid internship” that are not explicitly volunteer positions for charity and they want you to work really hard with job skills that normally they would have to pay for, I want an option other than “scam” that more accurately tells LinkedIn that they need to consider removing this listing because it’s not reasonable and it’s below industry standard, or at…

I wish there were more categories when you go to report a job listing on LinkedIn. I’m searching for a job in my industry (film/video) and I want to preface this with that there’s still so many employers who still think it’s okay to employ for pennies or not pay, in every aspect especially in postproduction which is what I do currently. Also I don’t know about other industries right now, but mine is also riddled with fake jobs, especially in the remote sector.

So when I see listings like “unpaid internship” that are not explicitly volunteer positions for charity and they want you to work really hard with job skills that normally they would have to pay for, I want an option other than “scam” that more accurately tells LinkedIn that they need to consider removing this listing because it’s not reasonable and it’s below industry standard, or at least should be if people stop taking these kinds of positions.

Also options for reporting because of other red flags that don’t necessarily point to a fake position but instead a toxic one could be useful.


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