
requesting time off requires two week notice.

What's up everyone? My first post ever. I really tried to not share my similar BS work experience mishaps. I really really try to see the good in bosses and work life. I really try. I really try. The whip was cracked yesterday. Ok ok, it was subtle, but it happened. N here is deets. So, I reminded the scheduler that I needed a day off this week. Everything is online so that everything is tracked. I couldn't put in the request because of so verbage I somewhat understood. But figured I would send a text message as a reminder so that I got the day off. Bossman brought it up to me yesterday that time off requested needs a two week notice prior. Ofcourse, I responded with a yes, got it. Thing that really gets under my skin is that when they boss needs me to come in early…

What's up everyone? My first post ever. I really tried to not share my similar BS work experience mishaps. I really really try to see the good in bosses and work life. I really try. I really try.

The whip was cracked yesterday. Ok ok, it was subtle, but it happened. N here is deets. So, I reminded the scheduler that I needed a day off this week. Everything is online so that everything is tracked. I couldn't put in the request because of so verbage I somewhat understood. But figured I would send a text message as a reminder so that I got the day off.

Bossman brought it up to me yesterday that time off requested needs a two week notice prior. Ofcourse, I responded with a yes, got it.

Thing that really gets under my skin is that when they boss needs me to come in early the following day or on my day off, the boss doesn't require the same damn courtesy. N I have a really big feeling all the extra hours will stop at the moment I say no.

Such B.S when they say things like, no we are different, we care about our employees. We will ask you before this n that. In the end, they are the employer n we the employees.

Oh n some very important deets, lol how am I supposed to request with two weeks advance? This is a new job and I just finished working day 7. Isn't 2 weeks consist of 14 days? I know I am not the smartest human in the world… lol. My roommate suggested I should have let them (new job) know during the interview that I needed a day off. There is no winning.

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