
Research without a job

Hi, I don't really know how to start this post. I understand that I am speaking from a somewhat “privileged” position. So I am a German mathematics student and what I am specializing in doesn't really “have” jobs aside from Postdoc/Professorship. I find it hard to continue believing that I will one day be able to acquire a chair at a University as there are only in the low double digit many in Germany, many universities with a math degree don't even have one. Also the road to it would be incredibly long and hard. To work as a postdoc is also nothing to be desired for an extended period of time (aside from being a stepping stone). So I was wondering whether choosing HarzIV instead of working is a viable option. Positively, it would allow me to focus fully on my research without worrying about deadlines and avoid the…

Hi, I don't really know how to start this post.
I understand that I am speaking from a somewhat “privileged” position.

So I am a German mathematics student and what I am specializing in doesn't really “have” jobs aside from Postdoc/Professorship.

I find it hard to continue believing that I will one day be able to acquire a chair at a University as there are only in the low double digit many in Germany, many universities with a math degree don't even have one.
Also the road to it would be incredibly long and hard.

To work as a postdoc is also nothing to be desired for an extended period of time (aside from being a stepping stone).

So I was wondering whether choosing HarzIV instead of working is a viable option.
Positively, it would allow me to focus fully on my research without worrying about deadlines and avoid the “publish or perish” grind.
On a both positive and negative side, I wouldn't be teaching.
Negatively, I assume it would be hard to get my work noticed, be in discourse with other researchers and go to conferences. Also, it would prevent me from ever starting a family.

Does anyone have experience with something like that or thoughts on the topic?

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