
Resignation / Counteroffer / Shit show

TL;DR: I am leaving the company. HR/Manager go crazy and try a psychological assault, trying to blame me after refusing a 5% rise when accepting a 2x salary offer. I am printing joke certificates for my colleagues. Firstly: I am not living in the USA. Secondly: long post After different discussions with the HR and my boss, starting on February, I have been stating my dislike for the company with all the benefits I have lost in the past year due to Corporation. I have constantly asking them, what is the company going to do to motivate me to stay longer? And they were just laughing behind my back on this comment (literally). Thirdly: 3 colleagues left the company this year, remaining only myself and one more colleague on Hardware engineering. And we didn't see any rise when taking this much additional work. The day came and I got an…

TL;DR: I am leaving the company. HR/Manager go crazy and try a psychological assault, trying to blame me after refusing a 5% rise when accepting a 2x salary offer. I am printing joke certificates for my colleagues.

Firstly: I am not living in the USA.

Secondly: long post

After different discussions with the HR and my boss, starting on February, I have been stating my dislike for the company with all the benefits I have lost in the past year due to Corporation. I have constantly asking them, what is the company going to do to motivate me to stay longer? And they were just laughing behind my back on this comment (literally).

Thirdly: 3 colleagues left the company this year, remaining only myself and one more colleague on Hardware engineering. And we didn't see any rise when taking this much additional work.

The day came and I got an offer paying almost double the salary ($16/h to $30/h) and I just went to my boss and HR and told them I am quitting, without further discussion. We have a 20 days notice period here, it's standard.

Now, this is where shit stars to go south for them, as their spirits start to leave their bodies. From a team of 5 people at the start of 2022 to a team of ONE member at the half of 2022. They will face a shit storm from the higher ups, both my boss and HR, probably.

My boss is desperate, local HR is also desperate. They are trying to get me a counter offer, my boss signing a 25% instant salary rise, the engineering director approves the next day too. Local HR also signs the pay rise.

Now, it comes to the HR director, which complains that 25% is too high. My boss explains the situation, that 3 other people left, that we became responsible for much more work, that I will be making almost double at the other company. But the HR director is “Nah”, what about we offer him UP TO 5% pay rise. Everybody else was petrified by his decision.

Seeing that this didn't work whatsoever, they are trying to have a “Retention Bonus” which equals 4 salaries if I stay another 2 years. Lmao what a fucking joke.

Anyway, I said NO as a final answer.

HR and boss still panicking.

They are now trying a psychological assault on myself, like that shit will work lmao. All that family nonsense and bullshit, that they think of me as their child, that we are a family, that family doesn't give up on you at these trying times and shit. Had me laugh in their faces and said “family doesn't screw you over”, no regret.

Now, my boss took fucking sick days because she is so overwhelmed by the situation that I am leaving. As I said, psychological assault.

BUT, Tuesday is my last day in the corporation and meanwhile, I am printing certificates for my collogues as a joke. Laughing my ass off.

For anyone wondering, this is what I am printing for people:

Thanks for staying with me 'til the end.

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