
Resigned at 4:00am

I couldn’t take it anymore. The following sequence of events resulted in the most unprofessional resignation I have ever submitted. Monday August 8th : Meeting with Manager, Director, and VP about high visibility project. VP added comments/issues I needed to address before our next meeting (Today). I advised Manager I was having kidney pain. My health concerns were dismissed. Tuesday August 9th: After 6 hours in the ER, I was admitted to the hospital with a 9mm kidney stone and 33% kidney function. Had anxiety about missing any time…even for a hospitalization. Wednesday August 10th: Had emergency surgery. Received text from Manager asking if I was logging on to work. Thursday August 11th: I was discharged from the hospital late in the day…with a stent, a lot of medication, and a scheduled outpatient follow up procedure. Manager asked if I was working the next day. Friday August 12th : Twelve…

I couldn’t take it anymore. The following sequence of events resulted in the most unprofessional resignation I have ever submitted.

Monday August 8th : Meeting with Manager, Director, and VP about high visibility project. VP added comments/issues I needed to address before our next meeting (Today). I advised Manager I was having kidney pain. My health concerns were dismissed.

Tuesday August 9th: After 6 hours in the ER, I was admitted to the hospital with a 9mm kidney stone and 33% kidney function. Had anxiety about missing any time…even for a hospitalization.

Wednesday August 10th: Had emergency surgery. Received text from Manager asking if I was logging on to work.

Thursday August 11th: I was discharged from the hospital late in the day…with a stent, a lot of medication, and a scheduled outpatient follow up procedure. Manager asked if I was working the next day.

Friday August 12th : Twelve hours after discharge, I logged in for work. I already had an IM asking if I logged on yet. Instead of asking how I was, pressure was applied to have all comments addressed but prioritize another project. I advised that I had a follow-up appointment on Monday August 15th but would only take half day.

Monday August 15th: Had connectivity issues in the morning. Notified Manager—advised I would login after appointment and work late. At 5:00 pm received a text from Manager to join last minute meeting (in the middle of said meeting so I missed the entire purpose of meeting). At 5:30, I logged out of email/chat and DND my phone so I could focus on project before meeting with VP. After several hours, checked phone. Manger sent a text at 7:34 telling my to urgently check email. Manager had sent email at 5:31 saying she received email from VP. ALL outstanding issues needed to be resolved by 9:15am meeting. Some of the questions can only be answered by external stakeholders. It was not a reasonable request. Manager then points out that the last time I worked on project was Friday morning and doesn’t understand why it was not complete by now. She is concerned my “excessive absences” are impacting productivity.

I have never taken a relaxing day off. Other than 2 trips to the ER, first day of testing positive for COVID, and my grandmother’s passing, all missed time was medical had been pre-approved.

Taking into consideration my hospitalization, her request for prioritization of another project, and pre-approved time off…I had 12-16 hours total to complete a week’s worth of follow-up. It should be noted that the project was about something I had never been trained on and involved no less than 8 other stakeholders.

I stared at my computer and cried. I knew I was being set up for failure. I knew that this was going to fall on me. The VP and Director have a tendency to issue scathing feedback in these meetings and make you feel really incompetent with passive aggressive statements.

I was having a panic attack when my husband found me at my desk at 3:00am. He said I have changed since joining the company. I was previously ambitious, driven, and confident. I was respected by leadership and the team I led in prior positions. I was assertive and professional. Now, I am submissive and emotional. My confidence is non-existent and I am constantly questioning my potential. My employer doesn’t respect me.

It was in that moment I decided to resign effective immediately. I left my Manager holding the bag with the 9:15am meeting. I didn’t hold back. I explained in excruciating detail why I decided to quit in the midst of a personal health crisis. I am losing my health insurance but I had to choose between my physical and mental health. I cleared out all non-proprietary documents and hit send.

No one has attempted to contact me; not even HR. I am waiting for the shipping label to return equipment and termination paperwork.

I feel so much relief. A weight has been lifted and the sun is shining brighter. I made a risky decision but as my mom texted earlier —“That job was not for you anyways. Something better is on the horizon.”

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