
restaurant manager ex-boyfriend “fired” me, refuses to provide termination paperwork wants to “leave me off the schedule” until I “quit”. Any recourse?

Was I “wrongfully terminated”? I believe, absolutely. I was fired for “insubordination” that happened one time, when I was sick and had already stayed after my scheduled shift to help him “close”. I did all my closing duties except for mop (because we still had patrons at the bar, and we usually wait until the place clears out). I've worked there for months, I have never refused to do anything before, and i have moped plenty. However, on this day, I was legit physically ill and the videotapes from that night will absolutely show me keeling over and him on a crazy ego powertrip (which is not what it was about for me at all, he was all about his ego, I was sick and didn't want to play a power game at all). He even called in another server who would be there to “discuss her feelings for him”.…

Was I “wrongfully terminated”? I believe, absolutely. I was fired for “insubordination” that happened one time, when I was sick and had already stayed after my scheduled shift to help him “close”. I did all my closing duties except for mop (because we still had patrons at the bar, and we usually wait until the place clears out). I've worked there for months, I have never refused to do anything before, and i have moped plenty. However, on this day, I was legit physically ill and the videotapes from that night will absolutely show me keeling over and him on a crazy ego powertrip (which is not what it was about for me at all, he was all about his ego, I was sick and didn't want to play a power game at all). He even called in another server who would be there to “discuss her feelings for him”. After I heard that, I said that is fantastic, because he wouldn't be closing alone/walking out alone (I was staying because walking out alone is dangerous and I am not an asshole, but if he had someone else coming to walk out with him, in my eyes, all of my REASONABLE duties were complete). In short he is an insecure asshole manipulative man. He has kept workers on who have been repeatedly insubordinate and have stolen from the company EVERY shift d/t “alcoholism”, I have nothing against that coworker, this is just my background knowledge of why I thought/think termination for not feeling well 1 day and refusing to lift a ~50lbs bucket/mop out of physical incapability is bullshit. I didn't “refuse to do my job” however as a server, I have worked on shift with a bartender who has done just that SEVERAL times. As in, the bartender would get frustrated and refuse to make any of the servers drinks. Resulting in angry patrons and less tips for the servers all around. I have WITNESSED this several times. Yet I commit one offense (absolutely no paperwork or complaints or warnings have ever been issued against me) and I am immediately terminated.

Please help me reddit. I do not want to be disrespected and used anymore by this man and I feel like there is nothing I can do if they ignore my emails asking for my termination paperwork and just “leave me off the schedule”. I don't want my old job back (unless my ex-boyfriend is not my boss, then I'd consider it). I do think that my exboyfriend should absolutely NOT be in a position to manage people as he is unfair and has taken my primary earning job and livelihood away from me because of his ego.

As the 1 woman ( I know of) serving as HR, has so far taken his side, in that she is completely ignoring me as well. Fuck it. Help. Whatever options I have to stand up for myself, I'd like to pursue them. I live in Illinois, if it makes a difference. Anything suggestions for things I could do would be helpful, be it apply for unemployment ( I do have another job, that earns significantly less), make a ruckus about wrongful termination (least preferred option as I do not want to be “in court” but I don't really know what that menas) or scare the restaurant into firing my power abusive ex. What I can tell you is that if there is a “termination process” it was absolutely not followed here. I was fired by text saying “I'm not going to put you on the schedule anymore” and thus ensued a conversation in which he admits to “firing” me. Please tell me there is something I can do. Reddit, you're my only hope.

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