So my friend works at a restaurant (can't disclose too much except they sell stuff like dumplings, are fairly pricey, and have sucky management). They assemble dumplings and have been repeatedly asking to move up in the ranks but they've been shut down several times with the typical “Oh it'll be when we get better workers/more workers/you're not experienced enough yet” Btw, that friend is working fine dining right now and wants to move up to working at a Michelin star restaurant in their future, AND they make enough dumplings that takes 3 people 6. Hours. To get.
Well, that friend told me about how they've officially shot themselves in the foot. Is it because of the screaming they did to a poor new dishwasher that wasn't trained properly BY THEM? Nope. Is it because of the mediocre food that gets complaints of tasting as salty as the sea? Nah, and I did a review on them about the bs they've been pulling. No this is better.
You know how companies try the stunt to not show salary or the supposed payment for applications? It's a legal requirement in my state to show that information and they have not. That's for two jobs including the job that my friend currently is at. They still haven't offered any way to help them move up, so my guess is they're gonna let em go and are trying to replace them so they're not screwed, but here they are risking legal trouble just because they wanna sucker someone on payment that'd be great for someone of that job.
I really wanna blast them because f them for their bs management, treatment of their employees, and empty ways to help them by trying to offer mental counseling as an optional event, but then treating them like nothing.