
Retired/quit: just found out how bad my job was for me

I quit/retired abruptly one night about a month ago. As in I'd had enough, called my supervisor and told her to get in because I was quitting as soon as someone arrived to take my place. As in that night. I left my badge and walked out, nary a backwards glance. Fast forward to today. I had my semiannual doctor's appointment. My A1c is down (not a lot, but down all the same). My blood pressure is down by 10 points systolic and diastolic. My weight is down by 15 pounds. My hair has stopped falling out. My headaches have stopped. My joint pain is almost gone. My skin has stopped breaking out. All my other lab values are within normal ranges. All of this in one month. No way in hell am I going back to work.

I quit/retired abruptly one night about a month ago. As in I'd had enough, called my supervisor and told her to get in because I was quitting as soon as someone arrived to take my place. As in that night. I left my badge and walked out, nary a backwards glance.

Fast forward to today. I had my semiannual doctor's appointment. My A1c is down (not a lot, but down all the same). My blood pressure is down by 10 points systolic and diastolic. My weight is down by 15 pounds. My hair has stopped falling out. My headaches have stopped. My joint pain is almost gone. My skin has stopped breaking out. All my other lab values are within normal ranges. All of this in one month. No way in hell am I going back to work.

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