
Returning to work

Between unemployment, pandemic assistance, personal savings, scalping other investors as is wont in the stock market, and careful budgeting, I've been able to live at a reasonably high-end lifestyle for a young professional over the last three years without working. Prior to this, I worked in soul-crushing finance jobs where people put on fake smiles and walk around with one arm outstretched and the hand on the other with a firm grip on a gravity knife. I don't want to go back. I can't go back. I can't go to retail either, just to deal with the same shit and even less pay while I grind away at a degree that will set me up to work for, or at some place that's eventually acquired by, the same type of asshole I used to work with. I just want a little Bezos pod, at this point, okay? Don't shoot me.…

Between unemployment, pandemic assistance, personal savings, scalping other investors as is wont in the stock market, and careful budgeting, I've been able to live at a reasonably high-end lifestyle for a young professional over the last three years without working.

Prior to this, I worked in soul-crushing finance jobs where people put on fake smiles and walk around with one arm outstretched and the hand on the other with a firm grip on a gravity knife.

I don't want to go back. I can't go back. I can't go to retail either, just to deal with the same shit and even less pay while I grind away at a degree that will set me up to work for, or at some place that's eventually acquired by, the same type of asshole I used to work with.

I just want a little Bezos pod, at this point, okay? Don't shoot me. But honestly all I need is a 300 square foot room, internet, and power in a city with ethnic variety and I'll be happy never bothering anyone again. All the productive slavers and manipulators can have their way at the planet, my price is simply this $200…400..800..1600…JesusfuckingChristwhatthefuckishappeningtorent/mo. single room studio setup.

But no, next week I will wake up, sign into yet another unnecessary time clock service for salaried employees, do my numbers, and pretend I haven't just entered the time warp tube to four years from now when I, for one reason or another, somehow regret having taken the job over starving on the street. Nobody should have to be forced to work alongside a miserable coworker, and no business should have to worry about rooting out applicants who are literally intending to show up and do the bare minimum because they need food but they've been burnt to the core and no amount of therapy seems to increase their capacity for this specific variety of bullshit anymore.

I'd hop on disability, but honestly there's not even a point. The difference in supplying for yourself on a single SSDI and being without income is utterly meaningless. The money swirls around the same vortex of barely-tenable accommodations and resources anyway.

This is, more than anything, just a post venting frustration at a system without dignified resources for people who can't do it anymore and without easily accessible adult retraining programs.

Realistically I'll probably end up transitioning into health care provision in the long term, which is the only field I could even possibly see being worth the time, energy, and stress.

Thanks for coming to my unhinged rant.

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