
Ridiculous lack of professionalism.

Td;lr: Worked for a restaurant for nearly 4 years as a “Star employee” Get mistreated and used, Curb my performance, manager starts cutting my hours without notice or explanation til confrontation, ask to be notified if its going to happen again. Find a new job, hours drops below an acceptable level with no explanation so I give one days notice despite genuinely wanting to give two weeks, manager cant manage a response better than a grouchy teenager. So I've been working for a restaurant as dish/bussing/sanitation worker for about three and a half years now, Was brought over from a sister restaurant when they opened this new one, I did my job well and very quickly grew well-liked, Got the days off I wanted and always got time off approved (granted no more than 2 weeks a year but still) and was on friendly terms with my manager, Things were…

Td;lr: Worked for a restaurant for nearly 4 years as a “Star employee” Get mistreated and used, Curb my performance, manager starts cutting my hours without notice or explanation til confrontation, ask to be notified if its going to happen again. Find a new job, hours drops below an acceptable level with no explanation so I give one days notice despite genuinely wanting to give two weeks, manager cant manage a response better than a grouchy teenager.

So I've been working for a restaurant as dish/bussing/sanitation worker for about three and a half years now, Was brought over from a sister restaurant when they opened this new one, I did my job well and very quickly grew well-liked, Got the days off I wanted and always got time off approved (granted no more than 2 weeks a year but still) and was on friendly terms with my manager, Things were fine for about a year before the typical hard work earns you harder work thing started happening, My mistake for showing that I was capable of taking on multiple roles at once but I figured at the time it'd maybe earn me a raise or two, (Hint: It didn't) but I tried my best.

Unfortunately, the notion that i was somehow superhuman seemingly began to creep into my manager's head and thus was expected to both handle the majority of the deep cleaning within the kitchen, Sweep and mop the dining room floor in under an hour every morning, keep ontop of the dish load all in a 5-hour shift, as you might imagine that was not only barely possible but waaaay outside my paygrade and I simply elected to tell them as much, Which didn't go over nicely but I'm not exactly sure what I was meant to do there but I sure stopped puttin in the extra mile, still an above-average worker mind you but I'm not doing any side work for anything less than a raise

Now come a month ago, my hours get cut. The manager says it's the bosses doing as the business has opened a few locations in some neighboring cities and that they apparently run fine on a skeleton crew, (They don't at all one of my coworkers told me) no morning dishwasher at all, and thus he wants labor reduced, my manager doesn't think its a good idea and doesn't want to but says his hand is being forced and thus i go form 25 hours a week to 15. I'm already looking for a new job but honestly bummed to leave as I've been there for so long now and it was a decent job while it lasted, I talk to my manager and at the very least ask him to let me know if he's gotta cut my hours again, He does not do so at all and starts cutting entire days off my week.

I find a new job and despite only working 12 hour weeks I intending to put in my two weeks notice to line up with the start day of my new job to try and be the bigger person, Told my boss that was my intention as well and he seemed cool with it. But then my hours got cut again to 9 a week, a measly 100 bucks. So today I ended up giving a day's notice and I will be resining at the end of my shift tomorrow and taking a break from all this nonsense til I can start at my new position.

And despite my effort to be as level headed as possible, To finish out the week despite really not wanting to, and trying my best to be as professional as possible in my resignation, The response i get is a “No notice eesh ok”

Godda love it. Apologies for the wall of text I guess I just needed to rant.

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