
Ridiculous Policies

So I’ve had some shitty jobs, right now I’m working at a grocery store. The bullshit that goes on at this place is ridiculous. Constantly, I am micromanaged for small things that only someone who isn’t doing their job would notice. I’ve started replying with, “do you have something you should be doing, or are you just really interested in watching everything I do?” It surprises me that my coworkers actually defend stupid rules like no drinks on the sales floor. What kind of bullshit is that, I pointed how dumb that rule is and I got ganged up on by a bunch of idiots who stand around and point fingers all day. Now they’re requiring me to wear steel toe shoes, like what kind of grocery store requires steel toes? That’s some whacky bullshit. It went like this, my boss asks “Where are your steel toes, you need them…

So I’ve had some shitty jobs, right now I’m working at a grocery store. The bullshit that goes on at this place is ridiculous.

Constantly, I am micromanaged for small things that only someone who isn’t doing their job would notice. I’ve started replying with, “do you have something you should be doing, or are you just really interested in watching everything I do?” It surprises me that my coworkers actually defend stupid rules like no drinks on the sales floor. What kind of bullshit is that, I pointed how dumb that rule is and I got ganged up on by a bunch of idiots who stand around and point fingers all day.

Now they’re requiring me to wear steel toe shoes, like what kind of grocery store requires steel toes? That’s some whacky bullshit. It went like this, my boss asks “Where are your steel toes, you need them to be on the sales floor.” I respond, “I am a cashier, why does a cashier need steel toes, are you going to pay for them? Do customers have to wear them now?” My boss replies, “You need steel toes or else you can’t be on the sales floor.”

Shit like this every single day, people actually defend stupid policies like these because they’re too afraid to speak out. They too insecure to say how they feel. I don’t give a fuck who you are, we all know how stupid rules can be. Instead they play power games and use bullshit rules to manipulate their subordinates.

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