
Robot Tax

(english isn't my native language) Very undeveloped idea here. I believe that this idea is something to consider, although that it will need a whole hell of a ton more work from both society as a whole and especially politicians to make this idea work. Here it is: As the title says, a robot/ai tax. This tax would be given to every single robot/ai a company owns, and the tax would be proportional in amount to the amount of work said robot/ai can provide. Examples: Robot vacuum cleaner = Basically nothing, although a very small amount of money. A robot that's basically a human (Of course this doesn't exist yet, but if you believe that it never will, then don't) that doesn't need sleep, lives inside the working place (works 24/7 with some hours for recharging), doesn't take time off, doesn't complain, works in perfect synchronicity with all other robots,…

(english isn't my native language)

Very undeveloped idea here. I believe that this idea is something to consider, although that it will need a whole hell of a ton more work from both society as a whole and especially politicians to make this idea work. Here it is:

As the title says, a robot/ai tax.

This tax would be given to every single robot/ai a company owns, and the tax would be proportional in amount to the amount of work said robot/ai can provide.


Robot vacuum cleaner = Basically nothing, although a very small amount of money.

A robot that's basically a human (Of course this doesn't exist yet, but if you believe that it never will, then don't) that doesn't need sleep, lives inside the working place (works 24/7 with some hours for recharging), doesn't take time off, doesn't complain, works in perfect synchronicity with all other robots, most likely possesses superhuman strength and speed (Because robot muscles), OR even just does less mistakes then a regular human (I.e, making all humans unemployable within said field due to no fault of their own) = at least the same amount as the highest paid salary given to a human of the same position.

A AI that doesn't get sleepy reading through billions of words all at the same time 24/7 (not that strong yet, but in time… you get it) = All of the salaries of all of the human workers said AI just replaced.

I know these are bad examples, but I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

All of these taxes would be collected at the end of every month, and ALL of that tax money, would then be converted into Grants (i think that's the English's word, otherwise sums of money paid out to a individual by the government for X reason) for the working class people.

In time, when all humans are replaced by robots, because remember, all they have to do is make less mistakes than us in order for us to grant nothing to the company, because remember, we take time off, vacation, get sick, doesn't do literally anything they ask for etc. etc. so our fewer mistakes is all we got on them, capitalism as we know it just wont work.

And mi glad it wont, because the fact that work for all could be abolished completely, and it being a horrible horrible thing under the current system is insane to me.

This robot tax thing is the first thing i thought about, I believe it has something to consider, but of course, its a fucking reddit post where I share an IDEA (I.e, not a plan, a layout for how the entire system would work, not the thoughts and negative feedback of salty billionaires etc. etc.)

I hope you found this interesting, that is all.

Thanks for reading all of this.

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