
Rock and a Hard Place..

How to make this short? Left a long term job in retail because the company had a pay “ceiling” for every position. There response to not having a raise in 4 years “move up”. Well I was already over worked and working weekends, nights etc. The jobs above me just required more of the same. Had no interest in moving up for that. So I did what everyone has the chance to do in todays market: I found a better job. M-F, no holidays, no nights, bit better pay, raise possibilities. So whats the problem? New job im working from home, sounds great right? Well im behind 3 computer screens all day and stuck in a chair. Gained 5 pounds already. But thats not the big issue already. Im already making daily decisions for the company that involve 10,000's of dollars an HOUR. My compensation: $22. I guess at my…

How to make this short? Left a long term job in retail because the company had a pay “ceiling” for every position. There response to not having a raise in 4 years “move up”. Well I was already over worked and working weekends, nights etc. The jobs above me just required more of the same. Had no interest in moving up for that. So I did what everyone has the chance to do in todays market: I found a better job. M-F, no holidays, no nights, bit better pay, raise possibilities.

So whats the problem?

New job im working from home, sounds great right? Well im behind 3 computer screens all day and stuck in a chair. Gained 5 pounds already. But thats not the big issue already. Im already making daily decisions for the company that involve 10,000's of dollars an HOUR. My compensation: $22. I guess at my last job I never thought about it that much. Now i see it staring me in the face every hour.

Now I know what they mean by corporate greed. Wow.

So anyways a job called me Friday I never thought id get a shot at; i had just applied on a whim. It basically involves working for a non profit helping homeless families get back on their feet and back into housing. Its a real chance to make a difference in my community and to be proud of what I do. The catch? Im sure you guessed, it pays less than my retail job. Not alot less, but less. The upside is probably not as great financially either in the long run compared to my new current job.

The non profit needs an answer by monday evening. I have no idea what im going to do.

PS.. im 50. If i was 25 id take the non profit, help others job in a second. But im not 25 and i live paycheck to paycheck still.

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