
Roe v Wade: Another great distraction for the ruling class to use so that the super-rich can sneak off with all of the money

Horrifying news out of the US. But make no mistake, it’s not the anti-abortion people who are the winner here. The real winners are the super-rich. Once again, the government has handed them a beautiful smokescreen on a platter so that they can further pilfer all of the wealth of the country, rob society blind, and then act all innocent because everyone’s attention was on Roe. Classic move of the billionaires, who are the real villains of our lifetimes. And it’s frustrating to no end that the vast majority of the population can’t fucking see it.

Horrifying news out of the US. But make no mistake, it’s not the anti-abortion people who are the winner here. The real winners are the super-rich. Once again, the government has handed them a beautiful smokescreen on a platter so that they can further pilfer all of the wealth of the country, rob society blind, and then act all innocent because everyone’s attention was on Roe. Classic move of the billionaires, who are the real villains of our lifetimes. And it’s frustrating to no end that the vast majority of the population can’t fucking see it.

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