
Rounding Hours Legality?

Just found out why I’m missing hours each pay check and wanted to hear your thoughts. Shift is from 3-11 (8hrs). I clock in at 2:45, the system round it to 3. No big deal, I don’t work till 3 anyways. The problem is we started having work meetings at the start of each shift. This pushes my relief back roughly 15 minutes each night. Apparently the system rounds off those 15 minutes at the end as if I never worked them. Is this legal? Im forced to stay until the meeting is over but the computer rounds as if the meetings never happened. My current solution is to wait around till the system can’t round back so I get payed that time. This is a large company producing beer in a factory setting, I don’t believe our union contract says anything about rounding time but I will check it.…

Just found out why I’m missing hours each pay check and wanted to hear your thoughts. Shift is from 3-11 (8hrs).

I clock in at 2:45, the system round it to 3. No big deal, I don’t work till 3 anyways. The problem is we started having work meetings at the start of each shift. This pushes my relief back roughly 15 minutes each night. Apparently the system rounds off those 15 minutes at the end as if I never worked them. Is this legal? Im forced to stay until the meeting is over but the computer rounds as if the meetings never happened.

My current solution is to wait around till the system can’t round back so I get payed that time. This is a large company producing beer in a factory setting, I don’t believe our union contract says anything about rounding time but I will check it. So far I have lost maybe 1 overtime hour per week. Depending on how long this has been happening thats a couple hundred dollars. Thoughts?

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