
Sad Conversation I Just Had with My Client Regarding Healthcare Tied To Work

Everyone on this sub probably knows this but health care in America puts all the advantage to the employers, not the employees. They make it so you have to keep working there to stay on the health care. The United States is one of the few countries in the world that ties healthcare to work. So what does this do? It makes you stuck working somewhere. Especially women, they are tied to a job way longer than they should be because of fear to leave and lose the health care. So this is just an anecdote, its an example of the fucked up system. My client has worked her whole life and is now 66 years old and she really really wants to retire and travel. But she can't. She carries the health care for her and her husband and his medicine is $1100 a month so she has to…

Everyone on this sub probably knows this but health care in America puts all the advantage to the employers, not the employees. They make it so you have to keep working there to stay on the health care. The United States is one of the few countries in the world that ties healthcare to work. So what does this do? It makes you stuck working somewhere. Especially women, they are tied to a job way longer than they should be because of fear to leave and lose the health care.

So this is just an anecdote, its an example of the fucked up system. My client has worked her whole life and is now 66 years old and she really really wants to retire and travel. But she can't. She carries the health care for her and her husband and his medicine is $1100 a month so she has to stay on the health care policy. And to do that she has to keep working. On the phone just now she sighed and said she guessed she would have to keep working until she was 70. Isn't that so sad? This company is getting four more years to exploit her than they should because she can't get off the health care policy and now she can't travel and see the world and enjoy retirement until at least 70. Its bullshit

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